Changes between WordNet 2.0 and 2.1 1 - Database files all follow Unix naming convention. Index files are index.pos and data files are data.pos where "pos" is: noun verb adj adv 2 - Hyponyms are now classified as either generic or INSTANCES, as indicated in search output. 3 - Troponyms can be "full" or "brief" in graphical browser. The "brief" search was not available in graphical browser (wnb) but was in command line interface (wn). 4 - Graphical browser now has a selection under "Options" to save the current display and search output options settings as user's default settings. These settings will be used by default whenever the user runs the interface. 5 - Many pertainyms in "adj.pert" have been replaced with morphosemantic links. 6 - Windows version now uses registry variables to save path to database and user options: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WordNet\2.1\WNHome - Installation home HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\WordNet\2.1\wnres - Graphical interface display options 7 - All nouns are in one tree under "entity" in "noun.Tops". 8 - WordNet URL is now ""